Trans-border (east Serbia/west Bulgaria) correlation of the Jurassic sediments: Main Jurassic paleogeographic units
In the region across the Serbian/Bulgarian state border, there are individualized 5 Jurassic paleogeographic units (from West to East): (1) the Thracian Massif Unit without Jurassic sediments; (2) the Lužnica-Koniavo Unit - partially with Liassic in Grsten facies and with deep water Middle Callovian-Kimmeridgian (p. p) sediments of the type "ammonitico rosso", and Upper Kimmeridgian-Tithonian siliciclastics flysch; (3) The Getic Unit subdivided into two subunits - the Western Getic Sub-Uni - without Lower Jurassic sediments and the Eastern Getic Sub-Unit with Lower Jurassic continental and marine sediments, which are followed in both sub-units by carbonate platform limestones (type Stramberk); (4) the Infra (Sub)-Getic Unit - with relatively deep water Liassic and Dogger sediments (the Dogger of type "black shales with Bossitra alpine") and Middle Callovian-Tithonian of type "ammonitico rosso"; (5) the Danubian Unit - with shallow water Liassic, Dogger and Malm (Miroč-Vrška Čuka Zone, deep water Dogger and Malm (Donjomilanovačko-Novokoritska Zone).
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