Geneza bije sedimenata formacije Klastiti Kladnice (JZ Srbija)

Genesis of the colour of sediments of Clastites Kladnica Formation

  • Radmilo Jovanović Geological Institut ''Gemini'', Karađorđeva 48, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: Red pigment, braided rivers, siliciclastites, climate, fluvial transportation, alteration, FeMg minerals, deposition of siliciclastites in braided rivers


Siliciclastitic sedimentary rocks of Clastites Kladnica Formation (SW Serbia) overlay discordantly the Middle Carboniferous metamorphites and in tectonic contact below the Triassic carbonate Formations.

The red pigment can be formed inside or out of depositional environment or can be presented in both of them. Of the factors which influence the genesis the most important are the climate during the depositions and diagenesis, environments, transportation, alterations of pigments and origin of pigments.

Oxidic pigment can cause red colour of sediments in three possible means: by detrital particles, by precipitation from solution and by the formation of authigenic oxides by in situ oxidation from which are formed the primary red beds, post-depositional and post-diagenetic red beds, secondary red beds and chemical red beds.

In red beds of Clastites Kladnica Formation red pigment was formed partially "in situ" in depositional envimonment of braided rivers with influence of hot aridic climate with periodical abundant rains. It was partially fluvially transported sindepositionally and partially postdepositionally altered. The origin of pigment is from oxidation of FeMg minerals. They belong to in the group of primary red beds, category of primary residual red beds, and partially in the group of post-depositional and post-diagenetic red beds, category of postdepositional oxidation of non-red detritus (biotite and FeMg minerals) and sub-surface emergency and deep postdiagenetic oxidation.

How to Cite
Jovanović, R. (1995) “Geneza bije sedimenata formacije Klastiti Kladnice (JZ Srbija)”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 59(2), pp. 117-126. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper