Correlation of changes in geomagnetic inversion frequency with eustatic fluctuation of ocean level and global phases of compressional and extensional crust deformation intensification during late Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the light of geopulsation concept

Korelacija promena učestalosti geomagnetske inverzije sa eustatičkim kolebanjem nivoa okeana i fazama intenzivnog sažimanja i širenja Zemljine kore u toku vremena mlađeg Mezozoika i Kenozoika u svetlu koncepcije pulzacije

  • Evgeni Evgenievich Milanovsky Geological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Keywords: geomagnetic inversions, eustatic flationuctus, crust deformations, Geotectonic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic, geopulsation concept


For the last 180 mln. y. the correlation in time is established between the changes in the geomagnetic reversals frequency, eustatic fluctuations of the ocean level and global scale changes in the regime of tectonic deformations of the Earth crust. The phases characterised with frequent geomagnetic inversions coincide with the moments of sharp falls of ocean level, global phases of compressional deformations intensification ("phases of folding"). More prolonged phases characterised with rare geomagnetic inversions of their absence are correlated with the rises of ocean level, global phases of extensional deformations intensification ("phases of rifting") and phases of basaltic volcanism activation. The geomagnetic reversals are connected with the processes operating in the upper, liquid core and near core tnantle boundary. The assumption is expressed that in the course of deep processes, proceeded in these deepest geospheres, the small changes in the Earth's core volume have taken place which caused the periodical changes in the stress conditions in the mantle and crust, altemation of the phases of global intensification of extensional and compressional deformations in the crust, tectonoeustatic fluctuations of the ocean level and some periodical changes (pulsations) of the Earth's volume on the whole.


This paper represents a contents of lecture presented on the meeting in Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Beograd at 15. Juny. 1995.

How to Cite
Evgenievich Milanovsky, E. (1995) “Correlation of changes in geomagnetic inversion frequency with eustatic fluctuation of ocean level and global phases of compressional and extensional crust deformation intensification during late Mesozoic and Cenozoic in the light of geopulsation concept”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 59(2), pp. 1-22. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).