Genetske karakteristike ležišta Borata u jezerskom miocenskom basenu Jarandola (Srbija)
Genetic type of Borate deposits in Jarandol Miocene Lake basin, Serbia
Prospectings and studies of borate deposits in the Miocene limnic basin of Jarandol from 1967 to 1995 were quite successful in identifying the genetic type and estimating the economic value of the deposits. On the basis of many diverse geological, geochemical, sedimentological, mineralogical, chemical, and some other studies, this is an attempt to interpret the formation conditions, time and origin of this type of deposit of a general significance. In the opinion of the authors, and on the basis of relevant investigations and studies, and correlations with similar genetic types of deposits over the world, primarily in Turkey and in Califomia, borate deposits in the lake basin of Jarandol are of the hydrothermal volcanic-sedimentary type.
Though similar to other borate deposits, the Jarandol borate deposits have some specific genetic characteristics as a result of the local geologic evolution, morphostructure and development of mineral paragenesis, and include new mineral species.
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