Kvalitet uglja Metohijskog ugljenog basena

Rank of Metohija Lignite

  • Dimitrije Dimitrijević University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Regional Geology and Paleontology, Kamenička 6, 11000 Belgrade
Keywords: Texitite-gelo, detrite-texto, fusite, xylith, logging, kilo-Jule, moisture, tar, roof and floor


The parameters vvhich are inđicative of the rank of lignite from the inadequately investigated Metohija basin are considered in this paper.

Microscopic analysis of petrographic composition of the carbonaceous matter is interpreted, and physical and mechanical and chemical technological properties are given. The usability of the lignite is indicated on all of the analytical results.

How to Cite
Dimitrijević, D. (1996) “Kvalitet uglja Metohijskog ugljenog basena”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 60(1), pp. 437-448. Available at: https://gabp.rgf.rs/index.php/gabp/article/view/447 (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper