Talk iz serpentinita Studenice i Rajca (Srbija)

The Talc from the serpentinite of Studenica and Rajac (Serbia)

  • Zorica Tomić Natural History Museum, Njegoševa 51, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: talc, serpentinite, steatite, Studenica Rajac, Serbia


The paper piesents the results of a research on talc from the serpentinite in the valley of the Studenica River and froin the serpentinite of Rajac Mt. The studied and described occurrences of talc represent pure steatites and contribute to the knovvledge of this mineral species. Unit-cell parameters (Å) for talc are: from the Studenica ao=5,310 (5), bo=9,10 (2), co=18,95 (8), ß=99,2 (2)°, Vo=905,35 (2) Å3; from Rajac ao=5,310 (5), bo=9,12 (2), co=18,94, ß=99,2 (2)°, Vo =908,01 (2) Å3. Cristallo-chemical formula calculated on the basis of 24 (O, OH) is: (Mg5,77, Fe2+0,13, Fe3+0,10, Ca0,10, Na0,02)VI6,12 (Si7,73, Al0,24)IV7,97 O 19,95 (OH)4,05 for the Studenica talc, and (Mg5,81, Fe2+0,23, Fe3+0,09, Ca0,04)VI6,17 (Si7,69, Al0,24 )IV7,93O19,94 (OH)4,06 for the Rajac talc.

How to Cite
Tomić, Z. (1996) “Talk iz serpentinita Studenice i Rajca (Srbija)”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 60(1), pp. 415-424. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper