Piroklastiti Vlahinje (Kosovska Mitrovica): karakteristike i geneza

Pyroclastic rocks of Vlahinja (Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia): some genetic aspects

  • Vladica Cvetković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Emin Memović Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy, Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia.
  • Kristina Resimić Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: pyroclastic flow, pumice, glass shards, eutaxitic, elutriation, crystal enrichment, flow unit, cooling unit, Vlahinja, Kosovska Mitrovica


About 15 kin Northvvest from K. Mitrovica, near the Vlahinja village a vvell preserved pyroclastic series expresses all the principal features of a moderately expanded ash and pumice flow deposit, originated after an interrupted column collapse. According to presented data it consists of two close related flow units which have been successively emplaced under high temperature. Similar postdeposition structure e.g. unique welding evidences indicate their single cooling unit character. Geochemical data reveal dacitoandesitic to quartzlatitic magma generated during post-collisional geotectonic conditions.


How to Cite
Cvetković, V., Memović, E. and Resimić, K. (1996) “Piroklastiti Vlahinje (Kosovska Mitrovica): karakteristike i geneza”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 60(1), pp. 377-390. Available at: https://gabp.rgf.rs/index.php/gabp/article/view/443 (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper