Magmatske stene - sistematika, klasifikacija i nomenklature
Igneous rocks - systematicd, classification and nomenclature
This article is a concise proposal of a general, complex, staged facial-rnineralogical petrochernical systenratics and a classification of all known (on the Earth) silicate igneous rocks, based on the proposal of Academy of Sciences Petrographic Committee, Terminology Commission USSR, TCPC, (Andreeva et al., 1981; 1983), slightly modified, and the proposal for classification of "lamproite series" (Bogatikov et al., 1985). Also, an original proposal is given for nomenclature of rock species and varieties. Igneous rocks (types) are divided into five principal taxonomic ranks (like in other natural sciences), i.e. classes, groups, orders, families. species (and varieties). TKPK respect the principles and recommendations by the Intemational Union of Geological Sciences, IIJGS, adapted at intemational geological congresses (Bateman et al., 1989), for classification of plutonic (Montreal, 1972) and volcanic (Sydney, 1976) rocks.
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