Kvartarni sedimenti Petničke pećine (Zapadna Srbija)
Quaternary sediments of the cave Petnička pećina (Western Serbia)
Paleontological excavations were performed in Petnička peđna in 1992 and 1994, which made possible taking samples for mineralogical analyses and conelation of layets in various paits of the cave. Pleistocene mammals remains were found, which weie unevenly distributed and differently preserved in different places in the cave.
Based on mineralogical analyses results, palaeontological data and profile correlation, layers succession is established and paleoclimatological properties of the Quatemary sediments recognised. It is found that in the beggining of the sedimentation, small lakes existed in the cave, where laminated clays deposited. After their deposition, a dry phase succeeded, when animals inhabited the cave, including bats which are responsible for guano accomulation. In the layers laying under guano fossil bones were decomposited and the mineral taranakite has been formed.
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