Kanalska sekvenca donjotrijaskih peskovito preovlađujućih upleteh reka Vuče (JZ Srbija)
Channel sequence of Lower Triassic sandpredominated braided rivers of Vuča (SW Serbia)
Investigated profile are identificated as single macrofomi-architectural element with characteristic association of lithofacies: Gm, Gp-Sp, St, Sli Fl. ž
Extemal bounding fourth-order surfaces are defining truncated, eroded base of macroform and by new sequence truncated, top surface of macroform.
Intemal bounding surfaces of third order are result of rapid or, rarely, gradational change of conglomeratic to sandstonic part of sequence and sandstonic to finegrained, mostly, siltstonic part of sequence. Intemal, too, bounding surface of second and first-order which are developod, mostly, in psammitic and pelitic part of sequence are between the composite cosets, cosets, sets and beds and they are results of periodical changing of transport and depositional conditions.
Deposited sheet geometric body is in characteristic shape for architectural element of channel type (AE-CH) is product of typical facies of sandpredominated braided rivers.
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