Geološki položaj serpentinita kod majdanpeka (Istočna Srbija)

Geological position of serpentinites at Majdanpek (Eastern Serbia)

  • Aleksandar Grubić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Regional Geology and Paleontology, Kamenička 6, 11000 Belgrade
  • Svetlana Vicelarević Geološka služba Rudnika bakra Majdanpek, Majdanpek, Serbia.
Keywords: Serpentinites, Baikalian, Homolje nappe, Majdanpek


This article presents arguments that serpentinite lenses in the southem field of Majdanpek were located between a gneiss series of Tekija type and greenschists of Dobra type, where the latter were thrust over the fomier. This position is taken by serpentinites of this zone in westem regions of NE Serbia and is another evidence of the existence of the late Baikalian Homolje nappe.


How to Cite
Grubić, A. and Vicelarević, S. (1996) “Geološki položaj serpentinita kod majdanpeka (Istočna Srbija)”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 60(1), pp. 21-33. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper