Strukture rudnih polja Blagodat i Karamanica prema podacima daljinske detekcije

Blagodat and Karamanica ore field structures according to remote detection data

  • Boško Stajević University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: remote detection, aerocosmic photographs, fractures, ring structures, morpho structures, magmatism, metamorphism, mineralization, metallogeny, prediction, ore zone, ore field, ore deposit


The region of southeastern Serbia is a part of the Serbian Macedonian massif, where tectonic, tectono-metaruorphogenic and tectono-magmatic processes including mineralization operated through its geologic history and resulted in the formation of a structural-geological and metallogenic entity defined as one ore zone. The faulting pattern of the southern part of the zone, within the limits of Blagodat and Karamanica ore fields, is generally analysed in this article on the basis of remote detection from aerial photograps. Besides traditional linear fractures, a number of ring faults have been discerned, as results of magmatic processes and metamorphism. Because injection fractures and structures, in addition to tectonic ones, have a controlling role in localization of numerous endogenic, and metaruorphogenic, mineralizations, the obtained results may have some importance in prediction-study of the local mineralized media, either at the ore zone or polvmetalling ore field level.


How to Cite
Stajević, B. (1997) “Strukture rudnih polja Blagodat i Karamanica prema podacima daljinske detekcije”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 61(1), pp. 419-433. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper