Gornjopermski sedimenti na geološkim stubovima kod Dvorske i Krasave, sa osvrtom na horizont sa biohermama od Richthofena (okolina Krupnja, SZ Srbija)
Upper Permian rocks in geologic sections at Dvorska and Krasava, wuth particular reference to the horizon with Richthofena bioherms (Krupanj environs, NW Serbia)
Upper Permian rocks m geologic sections at Dvorska and Krasava, near Krupanj, NW Serbia, are described in this article. Also is presented the lithological development and mega- and micro- fossil association used to give relative ages in stratigraphy of an Upper Permian bituminous limestone formation, with a particular reference to small patch reefs built up of bioherms with Richthofenia.
Copyright (c) 1997 Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva

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