Geohronološka starost tercijarnih granitoida Surdulice (JI Srbija)
Geochronological age of Tertiary granitoids, Surdulica, (SE Serbia)
Granitoid rocks of SE Serbia were intruded two limes, first during Oligocene. about 30 Ma ago. and second in Miocene, before about 20 Ma. Tertiary magmatic masses occupy in SE Serbia an area of about 300 km2, trending from Vlasina over on the north, across Ruplje, Mačkatica, Surdulica, Besna Kobila and Karamanica to the south, continuing to NE Macedonia and further to Bulgaria, as so called Simitli zone. Among them the Surdulica granodiorites are predominant covering the largest area of about 230 km2. Beside Surdulica granodiorites, in this paper the Crnook granitoids, as well as volcanic rocks, such as dacites. andesites. quartzlatites have been discussed.
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