Fiktivni element

Fictitious element

  • Veljko Omaljev Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: geochemistry, chemical element, fictitious element, unit mass


The author of this work defined a decade ago the term "fictitious element”, proceeding from a practice in petrology and geochemistry where chemical elements or their unit masses respectively are added, mulltiplied and devided. Farther evolution of this concept is running toward better explanation, in aim the notion and procedure to be as exact as possible defined in the practical work, as it has been presented in this paper.

The geologicat sciences are fundamental ones, representing - beside their own specility - a superstructure of physics and chemistry, in sense these knowledges to be applied in the study of processes in the earth crust, such as material composition and structural setting of geological bodies.


How to Cite
Omaljev, V. (1997) “Fiktivni element”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 61(1), pp. 55-62. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper