Petrologija trijaskih vulkanita Soko-Grada (Zapadna Srbija)

Petrology of triassic volcanic rocks of Soko Grad (Western Serbia)

  • Ana Žaknić Faculty of Geography, Studentski trg 3/III, Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Danica Srećković University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Velimir Jovanović Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: porphyrites, calc—alkaline character, submarine origin, subduction related, Triassic


Mineralogical-petrographical and petrochemical features of Triassic volcanic rocks exposed near the Soko Grad (Westem Serbia) are presented in this paper. The use of tectonomagmatic discrimination diagrams, and comparation of analyzed rocks with corresponded Triassic volcanites from the neighbouring localities enabled the possible expianation of their geotectonic emplacement and their origin.


How to Cite
Žaknić, A., Srećković, D. and Jovanović, V. (1997) “Petrologija trijaskih vulkanita Soko-Grada (Zapadna Srbija)”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 61(2), pp. 433-452. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper