Alkalno-deficiran turmalin iz distensko-korundskog škriljca lokalnosti Bobološ-Brza Palanka (Istočna Srbija)
Alkali-deficient tourmaline from kyanite-corundum schist of Bobološ-Brza Palanka (Eastern Serbia)
Tourmaline from kyanite-corundum schist of Bobološ belongs to the rare kind of alkali deficient tourmaline with crystalochemical fomiula: (Na0.09K0.02Ca0.17□0.72)0.28(Al0.99Mg1.38Fe2+0.02Fe3+0.45Ti0.15Mn0.01)3 Al6(BO3)3(Si5.03Al0.97)6O18(OH)4.11 and unit cell dimensions: ao= 15.961 (3) Å, co=7.166 (2) Å, Vo=1572.3221 (3) Å3.
From the relation of Al-Fe-Mg and Ca-Fe-Mg (Henry an d Guidotti , 1985) as petrogenetic indicator, association kyanite + tourmaline + corundum + mtile + sericite + quartz was formed by metamorphosis of aluminium rich pelites.
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