Paleoekološke odlike i tafonomska analiza srednjemiocenske faune iz okoline Ulcinja (Crna Gora)

Paleoecologic character and taphonomic analysis of Middle Miocen fauna from Ulcinj area (Montenegro)

  • Jovanka Mitrović-Petrović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Regional Geology and Paleontology, Kamenička 6, 11000 Belgrade
  • Olivera Spajić Belgrade, Serbia.
  • Marina Dimić Geoinstitute, Rovinjska 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: Middle Miocene, fossil fauna, palaecologicaly, taphonomy, autochthony, allochthony


A rich fauna of Foraminifera, Ostacoda, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Annelida, Scaphopoda, and Echinoidea was collected from Middle Miocene (Serravallian) rocks of Crveni Brijeg and Milena promontory, and analysed from the palaeoecological and taphonomic aspects. The palaeoecological analysis indicated fonnation of Middle Miocene deposits of Ulcinj area in shallow water on the fiequently oscillating sea floor. Salinity of the environment was normal, intermittently refreshed, and the water temperature very high (tropical to subtropical). The energy of waves was high and water oxygenation very good.

The taphonomic analysis revealed a generally poor preservation of the fossils. Though much damaged, the orictocenosis is prevailingly autochthonous (e.g. ostrean bed) or subautochthonous. Only a conglomerate bed contains organism whch derive from a deeper sea area and can be taken for autochthonous/allochthonous. The transport by no means was long.


How to Cite
Mitrović-Petrović, J., Spajić, O. and Dimić, M. (1997) “Paleoekološke odlike i tafonomska analiza srednjemiocenske faune iz okoline Ulcinja (Crna Gora)”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 61(2), pp. 87-120. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper