Neotektonska aktivnost terena između Natalinaca i Kragujevca (Centralna Srbija)

Neotectonic activity of the region between Natalinci and Kragijevac (central Serbia)

  • Vladimir Vojvodić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Regional Geology and Paleontology, Kamenička 6, 11000 Belgrade
Keywords: Neotectonic activity, Dinaric—Šumadijan unit, the Velika Morava trough,, neotectonic faults, horst, basin, depression


The region between Natalinci and Kragujevac has a complex tectonic pattem resulting from the long staged transform. The neotectonic stage is an important segment in the geologic history of the region. Most of the region belongs to the Dinaric-Šumadijan neostructural entity, and a smaller part of the Velika Morava trough. The Dinaric-Šumadijan neostructural entity is divided into the units of Šljivovica-Stragari block and Gledić block. which had a rising trend during the Neogene and the Quatemary. Individualized in the Velika Morava trough are Natalinci- Kragujevac basin, upper Rača horst, and Markovac depression, the units fomiing the NW part of this complex entity, which had a general subsiding trend during the Neogene and the Quatemary.


How to Cite
Vojvodić, V. (1997) “Neotektonska aktivnost terena između Natalinaca i Kragujevca (Centralna Srbija)”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 61(2), pp. 75-85. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper