Biostratigrafija srednjeg Miocena Jadarskog basena (Zapadna Srbija)

Middle Miocene biostratigraphy of the Jadar basin, Western Serbia

  • Miodrag B. Petrović Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: Stratigraphy,, biostratigraphy, Carpathian, Badenian, zone, local zone


Middle Miocene of the Jadar basin is considered from the aspect of a modem stratigraphy-biostratigraphy- micropalaeontology model. Caipathian and Badenian dating is principally based on the abundant and driverse foraminifers found in Middle Miocene rocks of the basin. The Carpathian is represented by Globigerinoides bisphaericus cenozone and Bolivina reticulata local zones. The Badenian is partitioned into Lower, Middle and Upper Badenian, and these are subdivided into biostratigraphic zones and corresponding local zones.


How to Cite
Petrović, M. (1997) “Biostratigrafija srednjeg Miocena Jadarskog basena (Zapadna Srbija)”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 61(2), pp. 51-61. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper