Istraživanje i korišćenje hidrotermalne energije na opitnom poligonu ''Debrc'' (Posavina)
Exploration and utilization of hydrothermal energy in Debrc experimental field, Posavina
Geological and hydrogeological reconnaissance in Debrc region since 1987 revealed the presence of a part of a karst aquifer with theimal water of 55°C in temperature, which can be used for more than one purpose, primarily in agriculture. Hie estimated capacity of the thermal water reservoir is 250 l/s, or about 500 l/s if used water would be injected. Thermal water has been used for five years now to heat offices, of a total area of 2600 m2, which has saved 400 tons of crude oil. A number of development projects are under the way and an experimental field for exploration and utilization of geothermal energy in agriculture.
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