Filozofija istraživanja i ocena ležišta mineralno-sirovinskih resursa

The philosophy of exploration and evaluation of mineral resources

  • Dejan Milovanović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Đušina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: mineral resources, economic-geological evaluation, philosophy of prospecting and exploration, mineral economy


A new branch of applied philosophy - the philosophy of prospecting and exploration of mineral-ore resources - opens perspective of improving methods for more accurate evaluation of mineral occurrences and deposits and a variety of estimates.

Both analytical and synthetical methods are used to describe the most characteristic relations or interrelations between basic laws, principles, specific classes, and methods of the philosophy of prospecting and exploration of mineral-ore resources, on one hand, and economic-geological evaluation of resources, on the other.

The main purpose of establishing the mentioned relations is the formation of theoretical and methodological premises for an economical, efficient, effective and profitable mining and both quantitative and qualitative improvement of the mineral resource base and optimum conditions for development of the national mineral economy.


How to Cite
Milovanović, D. (1998) “Filozofija istraživanja i ocena ležišta mineralno-sirovinskih resursa”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 62(1), pp. 391-402. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper