Geohemijski značaj serpentinita u formiranju sastava termalne vode Gorje Trepče (okolina Čačka, Srbija)
Geochemical importance of serpentinites influencing composition of Gornja Trepča thermal water near Čačak (Serbia)
The Gonja Trepča thermal water with increased Mg2+ is of HCO3-Mg2Ca type. The problem of origin of Mg2+ in water has been solved in this work by use of geochemical thermodynamical calculations of the water-rock interaction. The calculation shows that water has been enriched in magnesium by filtration trough serpentinites or that serpentinites represent the roof barrier of the Gomja Trepca hydrogeological structure respectively. It is necessary this roof barrier to be drilled in aim the warmer thermal water to be captured.
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