Tragovi epibioze, predatorstva i parazitima na skeletu poda Clypeaster (Echinoidea)

Traces of epibiosis, predacity and parasitism on Clypeaster (Echinoidea) skeletons

  • Marina Dimić Geoinstitute, Rovinjska 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Keywords: Clypeaster, epibiosis, biotic damage, parasitism, Middle Miocene, Bosnia, Serbia


This work discusses relationships of the echinoid genus Clypeaster and the organisms which lived in or upon it. The studied 37 species and 2 subspecies of Clypeaster are from Middle Miocene sedimentary rocks of Bosnia and Serbia. Most of the examined specimens bear traces of epibiosis, parasitism and biotic damages.


How to Cite
Dimić, M. (1998) “Tragovi epibioze, predatorstva i parazitima na skeletu poda Clypeaster (Echinoidea)”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 62(1), pp. 213-232. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper