Urgonski ehinidi okoline Boljevca (Istočna Srbija)
Urdonian Echinoids in the area of Boljevac (Eastern Serbia)
An exhaustive examination of the Urgonian finds in the vicinity of Žagubica, Zaječar, Sisevac, Boljevac, Knjaževac, and Svrljig has been carried out in the course of long- term field investigations involved in the project Paleoecological Studies of Lower Cretaceous Echinoidea of Eastern Serbia. The sites of Faca Vajali and Bogovina have been described, as best exemplifying the echinoid and other faunas studied. Of the diverse Urgonian macrofauna, over 300 echinoid specimens have been collected. Representatives of 16 echinoid species have been determined. The specimens of Trochotiara cf. sculptilis (de Loriol) and Phyllobrissus nicoleti (L. Agassiz), found at the site of Bogovina-the Cave are the first records of these species in eastern Serbia.
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