Dvije nove Dasycladales iz Paleocena Slovenije
Two new Paleocene Dasycladales from Slovenia
The youngest component of breccias in Paleogene flysch of the Soca valley (Korada, western Slovenia) are shallow-water Paleocene limestone abundant in algae, dominantly dasycladales. From the clast, sample 022315, containing numerous udoteaceans and dasycladales (Acicularia, Clypeina, Cymopolia, Dissocladella, Jodotella, Neomeris, Triploporella), two new species Dissocladella turnsekae and Cymopolia drobnae are described in this paper. The foraminiferal assemblage includes nubecularids, valvulamminids, miliolids, rare Planorbulina and planktonic foraminifer Spinogerina sp. (n. sp.). Korada breccias lie in the Middle Paleocene sequence, dated on nannofossils. The analysed sample is consequently of the Lower Paleocene age.
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