Geneza neotektonskih struktura Srbije
Genesis of the Neotectonic Structrures of Serbia
Terrains of Serbia have an interesting neotectonic fabric, which was made through polyphase forming. Three major geodynamic processes were involved in its shaping: (1) compressive intra-lithospheric stress, generated by collisional relationships of the Adriatic plate and Dinaro-Hellenic orogene, (2) isostatic compensation as a result of thickening or thinning of the lithosphere and (3) extensional activity and subcrustal thermal processes that resulted in thinning of the lithosphere. A complicated neotectonic fabric was finalized through the activity of every process itself, as well as through the interaction of the processes during a several major, time- and content-defined phases of shaping. In the morphological and kinematic sense, the most conspicuous are those structural elements the forming of which was controlled by a dominant geodynamic process. A several major neotectonic wholes and units were distinguished in the territory of Serbia, paying the special attention to their genesis and phases of development.
Copyright (c) 1998 Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva

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