Ordovicijum Kučajskih planina (istočna Srbija)
Ordovician Rocks of the Kučaj Mountains, Eastern Serbia
Several index sections which expose Ordovician rocks: Lower Ordovician (Tremadoc) on Djercek hill east of Resavica; Middle Ordovician in headwater areas of the Resavica, Resava and Klocanica rivers; Upper Ordovician in the stretch Mali Malinik - Bauca - confluence of the Pojenska Reka and Vejska Reka rivers and Upper Ordovician (Upper Ashgill, Himantian) in the Bogovinska river valley, have been studied, 'fhese are sedimentary rocks formed in different, from coastal shalow - sea (shoreface, shallow shelf) to pelagic subtidal, environments.
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