Fictitious element of sum in geology

  • Veljko Omaljev Olge Alkalaj 5, 11000 Belgrade
Keywords: geochemistry, unit values, fictitious element of sum


The article is the continuation of a pubiished paper (Omaljev, 1997) in which the idea on the tictitious element of sum has been explained more detailed, exemplified by use of statistical studies of geochemical distribution of chemical elements in geological bodies. This working method allows a better insight and comprehension of participation of components of the fictitious element of sum in detail, thus exhibinng their specificity.


How to Cite
Omaljev, V. (2000) “Fictitious element of sum in geology”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 63(1), pp. 201-209. Available at: (Accessed: 12March2025).
Original Scientific Paper