The age of geothermal waters of Serbia as an indicator of climatic changes

  • Mihailo G. Milivojević Faculty of Mining and Geology, Institute of Hydrogeology, Geothermal Energy Laboratory, Dju{ina 7, 11 000 Belgrade
Keywords: geothermal water, paleoclimate, age of the water, isotop 14C, sustainable resource


Climatic changes influence on surface water resources directly and in that way, more or less, more quickly or more slowly, by means of waterfalls, the quantity and quality of ground waters or hydrogeological resources, namely their sustenation. The conclusion about the influence of climatic changes on ground waters can be drawn on the basis of isotope research (2H, 14C) by means of which their origin and age are determined most reliably. Present investigation results of the origin and age of ground water resources at the most famous hydrogeothermal regions, as well as the sustenance forecast of their quality and reserves depending on still existing and future climatic changes will be shown in this paper.

How to Cite
Milivojević, M. (2002) “The age of geothermal waters of Serbia as an indicator of climatic changes”, Geološki anali Balkanskoga poluostrva, 64(1), pp. 233-241. doi: 10.2298/GABP0264233M.
Original Scientific Paper