Paleomagnetism of the Late Paleogene and Neogene rocks of the Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides: Tectonic implications
This paper focuses on results of the paleomagnetic research conducted in the territory of Serbian Carpatho-Balkanides, within the following basinal domains: Babušnica-Koritnik (the Oligocene deposits), Žagubica (the upper part of the Lower Miocene and the lower part of the Middle Miocene deposits) and Dacian (the Pontian deposits). The clockwise rotations are established for each basinal region: Babušnica-Koritnik 10°, Žagubica 5-10° and Dacia 5-20°. On the basis of these results and the available data on rotations in the Romanian Southern Carpathians, new tectonic implications are discussed as a contribution to understanding the genesis of the Paleogene-Neogene and Neogene fabric of the Carpatho-Balkanides in Serbia. It is shown that this region has been subjected not only to vertical, but also to horizontal mobility during the latest stage of its geological development.
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