A mid-Miocene age for the Slanci formation near Belgrade (Serbia), based on a record of the primitive antelope Eotragus cf. Clavatus from Višnjica
In a borhole at Veliko Selo near Belgrade in the Miocene lacustrine sediments Slanci, which are locally known as the Slanačka Serija, a mammal tooth was found. The age of these deposits is under discussion. The fossil is here described and attributed with a query to the primitive antelope Eotragus clavatus (GERVAIS, 1850), which is suggestive of a Early Serravallian ("upper Badenian") or Early Middle Miocene age for these deposits, whereas an Aquitalian or Eggenburgian ("Egerian" or "Eggenburgian") (Early Miocene) age can be ruled out.
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