Impact of geo-environmental factors on landslide susceptibility using an AHP method: A case study of Fruška Gora Mt., Serbia
The paper considers the outcome of multi-criteria analysis of landslide susceptibility on the NW outskirts of Fruška Gora Mountain, Serbia. The area of the interest is known for landslide occurrences, and to focus on the most affected areas, it was necessary to consider some principal factors (lithology, slope inclination, rainfall, erosion, vegetation, altitude and slope aspect) and sort them by their importance to the phenomena. Prior to any criteria assessment, available data records had been assembled and refashioned as raster datasets. Thereafter, the criteria arising from an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) provided their weights of preference in the final model. In addition, the model was analyzed for the information gain and classified in accordance to the optimal informativeness. Being tailored in the context of raster modelling, aided by the GIS spatial tools, our result gained substantial correlation to the control reference map (a digital photo-geological interpretation map of active and potential landslides).
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